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Having trouble finding and hiring tech talent? Gain access to validated profiles with the skills your company is looking for and save time on interviews.

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Empresas que confiam na Coodesh

How does Coodesh work?


Inform the profiles and skills your company needs

Create your account, register your company profile, add your management users, and publish your needs in tech talent hires.


We will help you find the best talents

Invite recommended profiles through the Coodesh Talent Feed and get support from tools to interview, assess, and select the best talents.


Schedule interviews

Our algorithms and talent assessments identify the best candidates and make your hiring decisions faster, easier, and bias-free.


Hire with efficiency and precision

Hire the top tech talent and/or validated developers to build your tech projects without risk.

Imagem da section como recrutar

We offer you peace of mind

Pessoa verificada

Vetted Developers

The developers go through rigorous technical tests, interviews and behavioral assessments


Time reduction

Optimize your team's time by interviewing technology talent adhering to the company's technical and cultural needs.


Time Zone Alignment

Work synchronously with developers in the same or overlapping US time zones.

Hire developersTalk to sales

Traditional Recruitment

No response and engagement
More hours of your staff validating profiles
On average 65 days to close 1 vacancy
Higher spending on LinkedIn, ATS, and Headhunters short-lists
High turnover and no hire guarantee 

Coodesh Recruitment

4x faster to hire developers
Pre-Vetted profiles in hard skills and soft-skills
Average time to hire with Coodesh vs. 65+ days with traditional recruitment
Access to +80,000 talents, experts to help you, and coding assessments
Dedicated recruiter and 90 days guarantee per hire
Hire developers

Como os clientes avaliam a Coodesh

O processo de recrutamento e seleção foi bastante relevante para a empresa. As ferramentas disponibilizadas no portal da Coodesh, facilitaram muito o processo e acompanhamento.
Utilizamos para recrutamento e seleção para a área de TI da empresa, contratamos, até o momento, três desenvolvedores e um analista DevOps.
Alex Gottschalk
Diretor/C-Level na TruckPag
Foto de perfil Alex
Experiência satisfatória, resolveu meu problema!
Gostei muito da forma de contato direto pelo whatsapp, as duvidas são solucionadas de prontidão. Muito bom o processo de qualificação de fit do candidato para com a empresa.
Breno Vieira
Diretor/C-Level na Movelou
Foto de perfil Breno
Produto de resposta rápida, fácil usabilidade e interface excelente. Funciona perfeitamente também como um ATS (muito melhor que grandes players do mercado inclusive), apesar de não ser essa a função principal. Também há um espaço robusto de testes e integrações. Aqui na empresa já conseguimos contratar rapidamente 3 desenvolvedores que vieram da solução da Coodesh
Letícia Pivoto
Tech Recruiter na Netlex
Foto de perfil Leticia
O atendimento é eficiente, as dúvidas são sanadas com agilidade e os candidatos são muito bons.Usamos com o intuito de ser nosso braço de hunting, nos fornecendo os candidatos.
Wellington Silva
Gerente/Coordenador na Mobiplus
Foto de perfil Wellington
A ferramenta é completa e bem estruturada, o processo está cada dia mais maduro, mas o melhor é o atendimento do time, pessoas muito solicitas, atentas e competentes.
Contratamos a Coodesh com o objetivo de nos apoiar nos processos de contratação de profissionais da área de TI. Nossa equipe interna é pequena, e precisávamos de um braço que suportasse as atividades operacionais do processo. e tem dado muito certo!
Teresa Villora
Gerente/Coordenador na Tatic Soluções em informática
Foto Teresa

What our clients say

The recruitment and selection process was very relevant for the company. The tools made available on the Coodesh portal, made the process and follow-up much easier.we used for recruitment and selection for the IT area of the company, we have hired, so far, three developers and a DevOps analyst.
Foto de perfil Alex
Alex Gottschalk
Director/C-Level at TruckPag
Foto de perfil Alex
Satisfactory experience, solved my problem! I really liked the way the direct contact through whatsapp, the doubts are promptly solved. Very good process to qualify the candidate's fit with the company.
Foto de perfil Breno
Breno Vieira
Director/C-Level at Movelou
Foto de perfil Breno
Quick response product, easy usability and excellent interface. It also works perfectly as an ATS (much better than the big players in the market), although this is not its main function. There is also a robust space for tests and integrations. Here in the company we have already managed to quickly hire 3 developers that came from the Coodesh solution
Foto de perfil Leticia
Letícia Pivoto
Tech Recruiter at Netlex
Foto de perfil Leticia
The service is efficient, the questions are answered quickly, and the candidates are very good.
Foto de perfil Wellington
Wellington Silva
Manager/Coordinator at Mobiplus
Foto de perfil Wellington

Developers at Coodesh

Front-end Developers
Back-end Developers
Full stack Developers
Mobile Developers
Data Sciense
Quality Assurance (QA)

Developers at Coodesh

By career

By skills

Desenvolvedores na Coodesh

Por carreira

Por habilidades


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Our integration ecosystem with your favorite platforms makes your work easier. In one place, you can create a more engaging, efficient, and attractive journey for tech talents.

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What are the advantages of recruiting with Coodesh?

Hire for proven skills, not just for time of experience

Traditional resumes look back on a candidate's experience. At Coodesh, get the results of current skills assessments so you and your team can get the insights you need to find talent faster.

  • Coodesh Assessment (technical assessment based on 4 pillars).
  • Assessment that maps more than 50 soft-skills characteristics.
Benefis Image
Data Driven Image

Data Driven Match

Lista de Candidaturas

We evaluate your tech hiring needs and identify, through our algorithms, the talent that most closely matches your technical requirements priorities in your projects.

  • Scorecard to define the rule and level of demands.
  • Matrix of technical and behavioral competencies.

Coodesh Hiring Plans and Pricing

Discover how Coodesh can help your company assess and hire the best tech talents.




You and your recruitment team manage the platform to assess and recruit tech talent.

Start Free Trial
What's included?
  • Management users (unlimited)
  • Post job openings (unlimited)
  • Search talent in the database (+80,000 professionals)
  • Manage applications
  • Conduct technical tests and online coding
  • Integrations with LinkedIn, Glassdoor, and GitHub
  • Request shortlists per job opening
  • Online help center and support


Plano mensal e sem fidelidade de renovação.

Acesso/mês +Shortlist
O que está incluso?
  • Publicar vagas de forma ilimitada (Job Slots)
  • Gerenciar candidaturas
  • Integrações com Linkedin, Glassdoor e Github
  • Convidar no banco de talentos (+75 mil talentos)
  • 100 créditos de teste técnico para testar candidatos no mês
  • Treinamentos e suporte online
  • Solicitar shortlists por vaga por mês
Testar 14 dias Grátis

Supported By

Endeavor Scale Up
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Schedule a free demo

Is your organization looking for a complete tech recruitment solution? With Coodesh's products and services, your team can turn your most ambitious hiring goals into reality. Let’s chat.
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Other products for companies

Coodesh Assessment

Code assessment solutions and technical interviews for developers.

Evaluate Developers

Coodesh Selected

Hire complete technology teams validated by Coodesh.

Hire Teams

Coodesh Basic

Software for managing recruitment and selection processes (ATS).

Manage recruitment
Versão mobile

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