Privacy Policy

Last Update: 05/03/2022

Our Privacy Policy was created to reaffirm the commitment of Coodesh Serviços Tecnológicos Ltda. enrolled in the CNPJ under No. 30.078.586/0001-78, headquartered at Afonso Pena, 3355 - Room 1103 - Funcionários Belo Horizonte/MG - Zip Code: 30130-008, with the security and privacy of information collected from users of its products and services and related to the public pages of the site

Our Privacy Policy below clarifies how the Coodesh platform collects and handles your individual data:

Any information provided by users will be collected and stored according to the strictest security and reliability standards;

All information collected from users is securely transmitted using standard Internet encryption;

Coodesh is not responsible for events arising from unauthorized access to your personal information. Candidates, Recruiters and/or Company should immediately report any information misuse and security breaches to [email protected]. Coodesh will take urgent steps to correct the problem.

The information provided to us by candidates, recruiters and companies will be collected through ethical and legal means;

Coodesh will not provide data relating to the log of accesses to the web/mobile application made by the user and communications made between candidates, recruiters and companies. This information is confidential, unless by court order, under the terms of Law 12.965/14 (Marco Civil da Internet) and other legislation relating to the protection of personal data and information.

We collect information from candidates, recruiters and companies through registration on the web platform and/or mobile application. The information requested, such as NAME, E-MAIL, PHONE, ADDRESS, CPF, CNPJ, Company Name, Date of Birth, Gender, ID, Position, Skills, Salary or Salary Expectation, is supplied by the CANDIDATE himself, Companies, and/or RECRUITER through registration and a password chosen by him. Coodesh may request other information that it deems necessary.

Some of the candidates' information will be shared to the Recruiter directly involved in making the applications.

Some of the candidates' information will be shared with the Company directly involved in carrying out the selection process.

Some of the Companies information will be shared to the Candidate directly involved in the hiring process.

The contact information of candidates with profiles configured with Focus on Jobs or Projects, will have some data (Name, E-mail, CPF, Phone, GitHub Public Link, LinkedIn Public Link and Skills Assessments) disclosed to partners for eventual hiring proposals.

Users will be advised that their data is being collected, that it is up to them to provide it or not, and that they will be informed about the consequences of their decision;

Unless we are required to do so by law or court order, user information will never be transferred to third parties or used for purposes other than those for which it was collected;

The banking information provided by the recruiter or Company will not be stored on the Coodesh platform, but managed directly by the payment operating company, which will meet the rules of reliability of storage and confidentiality of personal data according to the internationally applied standards in the electronic payment industry imposed by the Security Standard Council.

Bank information will be entered into a secure environment at the time of purchase of the Session using the payment gateway's SDK and/or API. Coodesh may offer the option to save the information related to the payment method and payment method. If the recruiter or company chooses to save such information on the platform, they may enter, delete or modify this information at any time on both the web platform and mobile app.

Candidates, recruiters and companies will be able to contribute to the platform through evaluations, testimonials, satisfaction surveys and ratings of Sessions, describing the sessions and making their profile/registration on the platform as public to share their information with other candidates, recruiters, companies and/or partners.

In case candidates, recruiters and companies make their profiles public, Coodesh will be able to store the content of their evaluations for disclosure on the platform itself, display them to other candidates, recruiters, companies and partners, and use them for promotional purposes. The Coodesh platform will not be responsible for the disclosure of information filled out on public profiles/registrations.

Access to the information collected is restricted to employees authorized to make appropriate use of this data.

Employees who misuse this information, violating our Privacy Policy and other internal policies, will be subject to the penalties provided by our disciplinary process and by law;

We will maintain the integrity of the information provided to us;

Our platform contains links to other external sites whose content and privacy policies are not the responsibility of the Coodesh platform;

Any organization contracted to provide support services will be required to comply with our privacy and information security standards;

Coodesh may use, format and publish testimonials from candidates, recruiters and companies posted on social networks, along with their name and images (including profile pictures), on the Coodesh platform, mobile application and/or institutional and advertising materials to publicize the services provided by the company based on the opinion of its users;

We may occasionally use cookies to confirm your identity, personalize your access and track the use of our platform in order to improve its navigation and functionality;

The Coodesh platform makes available to its users customer service channels (e-mail:  [email protected]) to clarify any doubts that may arise.

Users have the right to request deletion, rectification and updating of their data using the Settings option in the User Menu on the Platform. In addition, we have a customer service channel to enable communication about doubts related to the treatment and storage of data. E-mail of the data treatment channel: [email protected] or through the Settings option in the User Menu on the Platform.

Any questions, send an e-mail to: [email protected]